Wilderness Friends of the Library (WFOL) is a non-profit organization that advocates for and supports the Wilderness Branch Library. Its primary purpose is to provide financial support for the branch’s programming and other needs such as furniture and materials that are outside of the scope of the library’s budget. WFOL purchases prizes and reading incentives and sponsors performers for the annual Summer Reading Program for children and the annual Adult Reading Program. WFOL also sponsors educational and recreational programs for the public including speakers, performances, and local author events. WFOL raises funds for these activities primarily through semi-annual book sales as well as a permanent book sale area inside of the library. The WFOL accepts book/audiobook/movie donations on a limited basis throughout the year. Donations are tax deductible. Please call the front desk for further details on the types of items that are accepted for donation before bringing donated materials to the library. The library’s phone number is 540-854-5310.
Past WFOL projects include purchasing furniture for the children’s area and a new bench for the front portico and sponsoring events including book talks and signings by the Lake Authors, a performance of the play The Belle of Amherst, an essential oils workshop, and a speaker event featuring the life and times of Edgar Allan Poe.
Membership forms are available at the front desk. Become a member with a one-time donation of $25. WFOL also welcomes monetary donations throughout the year to support its mission.
if you are interested in helping with book sales or becoming a board member please contact WFOL President, Karen Kovarik here: