The Orange County Library Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that provides special financial support to the Orange County Library. It is composed of an all-volunteer Board of Directors, broadly representative of the various areas of Orange County. The Foundation conducts an annual campaign seeking contributions from citizens and businesses in the county. This campaign is initiated each spring and continues through the calendar year.
The Orange County Library Foundation is a 501c3 organization that provides annual campaign support for all the libraries and has also supported the construction of the new Gordonsville Branch, the renovation of the Wilderness Branch and the refresh of the Main Library. 2024 OCLF Campaign Letter. 2023 campaign focused on a mixture of eBooks and downloadable audio and updating of print book collections. The 2022 campaign provided current large print titles, audiobooks and eBooks for all the libraries.
Contact the Foundation at:
Orange County Library Foundation
PO Box 164 Orange, VA 22960
The Foundation is governed by a Board.
The current Foundation President is Susanne Bromfield.