Libby from Overdrive offers access to thousands of eBooks, graphic novels, downloadable audiobooks, and streaming video. 10 items at a time can be checked out, no monthly limit. We share with 10 other libraries and purchase most bestsellers here. Holds are common for popular items.
Hoopla from Midwest Tape offers 850,000+ items including eBooks, downloadable audio, comics, streaming music and streaming video and TV. Hoopla is limited to 5 borrows a month. Currently it is 10 due to COVID. No holds needed, everything is available, all the time. Few bestsellers.
eBooks Only
Freading offers over 240,000 eBooks with no holds. Strong in non-fiction, inspirational fiction and former bestsellers. Also includes titles for kids.
Project Gutenberg offers free access to many classics no longer in copyright. No holds needed.
Video Content Only
Kanopy offers over 25,000 videos and specializes in independent films, foreign films, documentaries and kids content. Available items change monthly and many of them are not available on Netflix or other platforms. Limit of 5 downloads per month.
Access Video on Demand offers thousands of videos including documentaries from PBS, HBO, and History Channel. IT also includes ad-free Ted Talks
and helpful instructional videos covering a wide range of subjects.
Digital Content for Kids and Teens
JLG Digital offers a frequently updated collection of quality eBooks, audiobooks and streaming videos for kids. Lots of award winning content.
username: VirginiaReader
password: VirginiaReader
Libby for Kids and Teens has eBooks, including comics and graphic novels, audiobooks and some streaming video. No library card? Access through the Sora App instead using your school credentials.
Just for Kids offers quality, ad-free content for kids from providers like PBS, Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow, and Weston Woods.